I Am a Migrant : There are firsthand stories of migrants across the globe. You can select a country and read/listen to stories of people on the move.
International Organization for Migration: This is the U.N.’s site that informs and monitors issues around migration.
UNICEF : Learn more about issues concerning vulnerable children around the globe. This site includes a “Take Action” section.
Al Jazeera (Middle East)
Arab News (Middle East)
The China Daily (China)
Euractiv (European Union)
The Guardian (England)
Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)
The Japan Times (Japan)
The Korea Times (South Korea)
The Mail & Guardian (South Africa)
The National Post (Canada)
The New York Times (United States)
Presseurop (European Union)
Ria Novosti (Russia)
The Rio Times (Brazil)
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
The Times of India (India)
The Washington Post (United States)
Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs
Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
George Washington University, Elliot School of International Affairs
Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies
Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Stanford University, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
University of Southern California, School of International Relations
World Affairs Council of Philadelphia
Teachers for Global Classrooms: K-12 teachers with five years of experience. This is a life-changing opportunity for any educator interested in bringing a global perspective to the classroom! https://www.irex.org/project/teachers-global-classrooms-program-tgc
Global education course: TGC Fellows complete an eight-week, graduate-level online course on globalizing classrooms and curriculum.
Global symposium: TGC Fellows gather in Washington, DC, to build networks, collaborate, and develop strategies to enhance world learning.
International field experience: TGC Fellows travel for two to three weeks to experience another country’s culture and education system.
Capstone: TGC Fellows create a Global Education Guide that serves as a resource for their local community to build global awareness and understanding.
Alumni: TGC alumni may apply for grants and participate in global networks to sustain their engagement.
Fulbright Short Term Travel to Germany: https://www.fulbright.de/programs-for-u-s-americans/teachers/education-in-germany . The seminar is open to primary and secondary school teachers of all subjects and from all public and private primary and secondary schools. Applicants need to be employed full-time as a teacher and must have a minimum of three years of work experience.
Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad, fully funded
Those eligible to apply to the four- to six-week seminars must fall under the categories listed below:
Elementary school teachers in the fields of social sciences, humanities, including languages;
Middle or high school educators in the fields of social sciences, humanities, including languages;
Administrators or curriculum specialists who have responsibility for curriculum in the fields of social sciences, humanities, including languages;
Librarians, museum educators or media or resource specialists who have responsibility for curriculum in the fields of social sciences, humanities, including languages; and
Faculty or administrators from public or private, two- or four-year institutions of higher education whose discipline is related to social sciences, humanities, languages, and/or area studies.
Citizenship - must be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident.
Academic Preparation - must hold at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
Professional Experience - (1) must have at least three years of full-time experience by the time of departure for the seminar; (2) must be currently employed full-time in a U.S. school system, U.S. accredited institution of higher education, local education agency, state education agency, library, or museum. (Some examples include curriculum specialists, librarians, museum educators, and media or resource specialists; experience as a student teacher is not applicable toward the three years of required full-time professional experience); and (3) must be currently employed full-time in a teaching position at the level for which the candidate is applying.
Health - The candidate must be physically and psychologically able to participate in all phases of the seminar. Award recipients must provide a physician's statement to reflect participant's readiness for travel.
Suitability and Adaptability - The applicant's professional suitability and cross-cultural adaptability are assessed through the evaluation criteria, essay responses and letters of reference.
Study tours to Asia: some fully funded, others partially funded. Varying requirements.http://nctasia.org/find-a-course/by-course-type/study-tours/
Transatlantic Outreach Program (TOP), fully funded: http://www2.ed.gov/programs/iegpssap/index.html
Goethe Institute: Funded study tour for social studies and STEM teachers; 2 ½ weeks study abroad in Germany: https://www.goethe.de/ins/us/en/m/spr/eng/top/top_teachers/top_study_tour.html
National Geographic Grosvenor Teacher Fellow Program: http://nationalgeographic.org/education/programs/grosvenor-teacher-fellows
Huge list of opportunities : http://www.teachingtraveling.com/2015/11/17/free-travel-for-teachers/
FUND FOR TEACHERS: Teachers apply for individual grants of $5,000 or $10,000 for a group. http://www.fundforteachers.org/
Center for European Studies: Almost fully funded tour to Brussels, Belgium http://europe.unc.edu/research/brussels-study-tour-grants/
Primary Source: Occasional study tours, some funded https://www.primarysource.org/for-teachers/study-tours
National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) program: Study tours to Japan : http://nctasia.org/
(Interesting resources for teaching about Asia, but travel info is not always updated.)
BIRTHRIGHT ISRAEL: https://www.birthrightisrael.com/ : Free travel to Israel for Jewish teens/20's
GLOBAL VILLAGE CONNECT: http://www.globalvillageconnect.org/
ME TO WE: https://www.metowe.com/volunteer-travel/?_ga=2.75551826.697229161.1499030676-1396466267.1499030676
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX), fully funded study for a year in Germany: http://www.usagermanyscholarship.org/
STEAM Camp in Malawi, fully funded: https://girlup.org/wisci/apply/
NSLI, fully funded summer trips and longer for teens to learn languages: http://www.nsliforyouth.org/
YES ABROAD : The U.S. Department of State's Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Abroad (YES Abroad) program, provides competitive merit-based scholarships for U.S. citizens in secondary school (age 15-18.5) to study for one academic year in select countries: http://www.yes-abroad.org/
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL: Funding for high school year abroad: https://www.rotary.org/en/get-involved/exchange-ideas/youth-exchanges
EXCEL ABROAD PROGRAM: Scholarship for American students to study in Lithuania for a year https://www.americancouncils.org/programs/excel-abroad-program
Check out this amazing Pinterest page by TGC Fellow Jennifer Lee Kelly...all about travel opps: https://www.pinterest.com/jumpher/teacher-travel-opportunities/
Drama Notebook: Resource for scripts for young people; many with cultural and folk tale origins https://www.dramanotebook.com/plays-for-kids