Can you believe it? It’s December already! I’m going to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude for every sweet soul that landed on Team Yellow. You have made this year so remarkable in multiple ways. Your kindness and compassion are evident every day, and your willingness to hang in there and keep trying is a lifeskill that will serve you in the long run. I honestly can’t believe I get to spend my days with YOU. I am so proud of every member of our team, and I’m pretty excited to share some of your beautiful work here.
Inspired by a book called WHAT WE KEEP, everyone wrote about an object that holds a special memory or elicits a strong emotion. You can see some of the special possessions our kids treasure here:
Finally, as we move into this season of giving, I ask each of you to consider sharing some of your bounty with our pen pals in Uganda. This year marks a decade since my students’ collaboration began, and I’m thrilled to continue this tradition, but I need your help. Global Village Connect has sustained our relationship and monitored our investment with care. Our current campaign is a Give-a-Goat initiative that provides a milk goat to vulnerable students from Mulanga Primary School. When that goat has its first female kid, it must be passed on to another child in the village, and the remaining goats are theirs to keep. It’s a micro-business that bolsters nutrition and keeps kids in school, and, ultimately, impacts a whole community. If your family has (or cares to begin) a tradition of charitable contributions that benefit other children, kindly consider a donation to Global Village Connect. The recipient receives a notice of the donation, and the donor receives a tax-deductable statement. Outside of class, I sponsor a Pen Pal Club that is open to every RMS student. We meet virtually every Sunday at 3:00. Students are free to attend when they’re available. Stay safe and stay warm!