A celebration at the school after the installation of our first school farm.
Follow along as I guide you through the beautiful sights in Uganda. You’ll see some amazing wildlife, as well as pass through the villages where Radnor Middle School has helped establish 2 school farms that provide lunch for close to 2,000 students each school day, we’ve donated 50 milk goats in a pay-it-forward enterprise that bolsters nutrition and provides a means for earning school fees, and we’ve built a latrine, because middle schoolers think a private place to pee is basic human right. Life in these villages has been especially challenging during this COVID-19 lockdown, so we’ve actually been providing emergency food relief for some of the most vulnerable families in the school communities. This Virtual Trek was designed as a fundraiser and a fun raiser during quarantine. Participants make a donation with a commitment to exercise 12 times over a month. There will be 12 posts or ‘stops’ on this journey where you’ll get to experience a bit of the Uganda I have come to know and love over the ten years of our collaboration with Global Village Connect. Follow our trek here. Donate, if you’re motivated; exercise for a really good cause and because it’s good for you!