Here Comes the Sun is 2nd Period’s homage to Spring. Please watch us shine by tapping on the title.
Love in Action is a video created by the 3rd period LA class…enjoy it.
12 Things I Wish They Taught At School by Ella D.
Some things that aren’t taught at school have a negative effect on our future. Simple things like how to cook a real meal, such as pasta, rice, and lasagna! Others are more complicated. Things like how to cope with failure and loss can take time to learn. I believe that if we learn all 12 of these things in school, our generation will be so much more successful!
1. Photography: Photography unleashes creativity. It is a fun way to look at the world in a different way. I love photography and I hope they teach it someday.
2. Gardening: Gardening is also very important, it can encourage healthy eating, introduce scientific causes, and can impact the future. All of us need a GREEN THUMB!
3. Home and car repair: If there is a small leak, parents patch it up. If there is a problem with the car, parents patch it up. We need to learn this so in the future we can save money and get our hands dirty.
4. Learned languages earlier: We need to learn languages because it helps with our future, there are so many possibilities just waiting to be explored.
5. Survival/self defense skills: We need to learn survival/self defense skills so if we are in danger we will know what to do, so we don't die. I think it is very important to learn survival/self defense skills.
6. How to get a job: Jobs are the main source of money everywhere, if we can't get one we might end up in the streets. No body wants that.
7. How to cook a real meal: It's a basic need of life, we need to learn the basics. Like pasta, rice, lasagna, and more. If not, the future won't look so bright.
8. Time management: Time management is one of the dreads of middle school, and it will continue to be for your whole life. But, if we tackle it now, it won't keep catching us when we're older.
9. How to raise a child: We need to know how to raise a child because it affects our future. If we don't know how to raise a child, our generation will put a dent in society. And those consequences may be harsh.
10. How to manage money and taxes: It is a basic need to learn how money and taxes work. When we are older, we will need it more than ever. If we don't do taxes, there are big consequences.
11. How to make big decisions: We need to learn how to make big decisions in life because a big decision decides our path in life, the wrong decisions can lead to regret and a pit in our stomach, and when making a big decision, lots of people struggle with it. It causes stress and can keep you awake at night.
12. Coping with loss/failure: Everyone in the world has experienced loss or failed at least once. Some people may treat it like it is the end of the world, others may caring on like it was nothing. It's different for everyone that's why we need to learn ow to cope with loss/failure.
Sean’s “Life Under Quarantine”
“Schools will be shut down because of COVID-19.” At this time and place in the world, a virus called the coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken over. It was everywhere in the world and there are almost 2 million cases. During this time period, I have mostly been playing with friends online, and playing outside with myself and my little brother. This time period is extremely boring, and school has been canceled for the rest of the school year. None of us have been doing anything fun, and Easter was not very fun because we couldn’t do anything. Some states and countries are on lockdown, which means that they can’t even go outside, and the USA alone has 500,000+ cases of this virus. So far, there have been 114,979 deaths in this virus, and we are running out of supplies. Toilet paper is as hard as finding life on other planets now, and people are seriously being affected.
People are saying that this is coming from bats, and that they have never seen it in humans, and people are seriously taking into consideration to not see any friends or family that could get seriously affected by this virus, and people are staying inside and not going anywhere if they don’t have to.
Life in quarantine is hard, because you can’t see your friends and family very often, and you can’t go anywhere. My friends and I are mostly playing videogames together and having fun, but the parents are not having much fun.
“Tommy” by Tommy G.
“Tommy get in here” I’m used to hearing that line a couple times a day. That’s my nickname, it’s been my nickname forever, I can’t remember a time my parents actually called me by my real name Thomas. That name just makes me feel more comfortable around everyone, and Thomas seems more proper.
My name means strong and straightforward, I think this definition is very accurate to me, and to all the other Thomas's I know, because most of them are athletic, basic boys. However, I don’t think you can put a label on a person just because their parents named them this before they knew anything about them. But if I was to give my name a definition specific to me it would be funny and athletic. I thought of funny, because I’m the youngest and my family members laugh at my innocence and stupidity, and always make fun of me and how small I am.
Secondly, I picked athletic, because I like to play a lot of sports and I practice them a lot. Plus, I excel in most of the sports I play. It’s not all about sports, it’s also about running, jumping and stamina, which I have more that the average kid my age. However, I didn’t pick athletic just because I’m athletic, but also every Thomas I know is athletic, my teammates, and my grandpa. Whether you call me Thomas, Tommy, TomTom, or Thomacio, it now means funny and athletic.
Anna’s Personal Metaphor: “I Shine”
My Name by Adam B.
My name is the Hebrew word for "man". It could be ultimately derived from Hebrew אדם ('adam) meaning "to be red", referring to the ruddy color of human skin, or from Akkadian adamu meaning "to make".
According to Genesis in the Old Testament Adam was created from the earth by God (there is a word play on Hebrew אֲדָמָה ('adamah) meaning "earth"). He and Eve were supposedly the first humans, living happily in the Garden of Eden until they ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a result, they were expelled from Eden to the lands to the east, where they gave birth the second generation, including Cain, Abel and Seth.
As an English Christian name, Adam has been common since the Middle Ages, and it received a boost after the Protestant Reformation. A famous bearer was Scottish economist Adam Smith (1723-1790).
To define my name as junky eater. I would define it junky eater because I really love a lot of junks foods and my name is Adam. And I am proud of my name and I am happy I didn’t get any other name.
Kylie’s Take on “Famous”
In the poem “Famous” by Naomi Shihab Nye, Naomi talks about how things are famous to other things. An example is, “The river is famous to the fish.” This quote means that to the fish the river is famous because if the fish doesn’t have a river, it wouldn’t have been able to live. It is showing that whatever you feel close to, that you should consider that thing or them famous in your mind. It is explained in a way which I would say my parents are famous to me, I would say this because I need them, and they raised me. I wouldn’t be the same person I was today without them. The poet's intention was to make you feel that everything that is close or super important in your life is famous. Naomi was trying to make you feel famous, like your best friends should look at you and feel that you are famous in some way. It could be for being the kindest person they have ever met or being funny and loyal, I would want to be famous for being the one who is known for being nice to everyone and being someone that other people want to hang out with. I don’t want to be famous for being mean or dishonest, I would rather that people look up to me and that I encourage them to be there full self. I want to be the butter to their bread, the sweet one and the person who can care about everyone and put their differences aside.
Estelle’s Personal Metaphor: “All Eyes on Me”
Estelle’s personal metaphor poem was inspired by our abstract charcoal drawings.
Brendan’s Where I’m From Poem
I am from Under Armour
From Nike
From Chicken noodle soup
I am from a yellow house
With lots of Christmas decoration
From Sugar maples, pine trees and Rhododendron bushes
From the best climbing tree in Wayne
I am from Kit Kats and ribs
From Meama and Popop
I’m from “what?”
I’m from keep going and push it to the limits
I’m from praying before dinner
I’m from creeks and trees
From Sprite and hot dogs
From World War 1
From Patty and Kevin
I am from skiing in the soft snow on the Rocky mountains
From being happy
From Wayne PA
Ryan’s Poem “Dreaming” Inspired by “Waking Instructions”
Climb upwards
to the beautiful evening sky.
Forget all pain and sorrow.
Allow yourself
to be rid of all your troubles
It will feel like flying.
It has dreaming attached.
When Alice & Shane Got the Giggles…
This was in 5th grade during Camp Canadensis. We were all tired and getting into bed after a long day. It was kind of cold, so I was buried inside of my sleeping bag and a blanket. We all said goodnight to each other for about 10 minutes until our parents told us to go to bed. We all were silent for a solid 30 seconds, until I broke out into giggles, which turned into laughter after everyone else is the cabin started laughing and talking. My friend Banu made this thing where you would lift both of your legs that were inside of the sleeping bag, and we went all around the room in order, it was so funny. We called it, "The Banu”. Then we ACTUALLY said goodnight and went to bed. The next morning, I decided to wake anyone up that was still asleep by jumping around in my sleeping bag and laying on top of them. I looked like a big caterpillar jumping around the cabin. It was a pretty good idea, because now everyone was up! ~ Alice L.
Ah, band practice. Those were the days. It was hilarious and frustrating. Most of the time we weren't even practicing, we were just joking around. Practices after school. At first it was the messy attic area of my house. Then it was the sort of smelly room above Luke’s garage. The voices filling the air. The playing. The yelling. The singing. The laughing. Ah the laughing, especially with Kevin there. We would watch our favorite show, The Office, on the couch laughing together. Ah band practice. Those were the days. ~ Shane L.
Tobin Changed!
I think I've changed from the beginning of school because I feel more comfortable in the school. Now I know everyone pretty well and I don’t get lost in the building that often. I also have made some new friends this year and have met nice teachers. Now I get up super early to go to school but get dismissed earlier to. Now I feel more confident in myself because I’ve made some new friends and I know my teacher well. I feel more excited than I was on the first day of school because of all my new friends.
Alexa’s “Where I’m From”
I am from a la mode on sunny beach days
From Athleta and Vineyard Vines
I am from a big and cozy stone house
With a steep driveway
I am from the Atlantic Ocean and Fairview Lake
Camp Oneka and Ocean City
I am from Cold Stone ice cream and lacrosse sticks
From Barbara and James
I’m from the Boo’s and Lex's
And “Alexa hurry up!”
From “You got this!” and “Play hard!”
I’m from Our Fathers
I’m from the Fenimore Woods playground and Please Touch Museum
From Chick-fil-a and lemonade
From my families constant loud, obnoxious laughs and jokes
On a steep hill
Sledding with my next door neighbors
I feel happy when I am spending time with my friends and family
I am from those moments
I’m from waterparks at the boardwalk to going to the mall with my friends
Lauriel’s “Listening Instructions”
Walk unto the wet sinking sand,
Hear the trees swaying peacefully.
Forget the argument.
Allow yourself to fall into the water
Feel the seaweed between your toes.
It has swishing and swashing attached.
Connor’s Acrostic
Caring for everyone no matter who they are.
Organizing is my goal in Middle School.
Never backs down on a problem or question.
Not scared or afraid of any Challenge.
On the field or off the field, I work hard.
Running is also something I am good at.
My favorite hobbies are soccer and video games.
Unbelievable parents that help me with anything.
Reading is starting to get more fun.
Plays sports such as soccer and basketball.
Has an 8 year old sister who is entertaining and nice.
Yankees, celtics, redskins and tottenham hotspur are my
favorite teams.
Mackenzie’s Acrostic
Daylen: “I’m the Window”: Inspired by Chris VanAllsburg’s Illustration
I am the window at the top of the room. I can see everything in the room, I watch everything that happens. I am a small window, so I let a little bit of light into the room. One day I was looking at the tiny door in the room, I had no idea why it was there, it was too small for any human to use so there was no point to it. So that day I saw that the handle turned, I kept watching it, and it happened again, but this time a human saw it too. He went back upstairs but kept coming back down to check on it. I only shined light on it for a while then I started to give up. Then I heard what sounded like voices, I couldn’t make out everything I heard but what I did hear was exciting. I heard “We ___uld g_ throu__ th_ do__”. So I assumed they were going to come through the door. I waited three days. I saw the handle start to turn and the door opened...
From The Mysteries of Harris Burdick by Chris VanAllsburg
Meet Felipe
Felipe is my name I'm
Excellent at soccer, I'm good at
Listening to directions,
I also love learning about science and,
People’s hobbies
Especially fun ones
Goalkeeper is
A position that I play in soccer, and I
Love to play that position the part that I
Like the most is that
I’m good at it, also
Nobody ever scores on me finally, I'm no good at
Organizing my stuff
Grace is No Ordinary Name
Grace is a name of Latin origin meaning, “favor, blessing.” That works for me. But if I were to create my own definition, I have a few words in mind. First, “creative.” I always seem to have a story in my mind, whether it be something completely crazy, or just an idea. I also really like art, although I’m not very good at it. For the second word, I chose “clumsy.” That might seem surprising, because grace also means “elegance,” or “refinement of movement.” There is no “refinement of movement” here! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally ran into an open cabinet door. The last word I’d like to add is, “kind.” I think I’m nice. I try to be, at least. Even though I’m definitely a pessimist, I always try to be as optimistic as possible when it comes to other people. So, that concludes my definition of Grace, “creative clumsy, and kind.” I know that this doesn’t apply to all Graces, but it applies to me.
Blake’s Hair
My hair is brown, long, and messy. I don’t worry too much of my hair, but it sometimes makes me stand out. In the morning when I wake up my hair is all over the place, I am basically the definition of bed head. My hair describes me as messy, don’t have much free time to do my hair, and finally I am outgoing.
Anika R. is One Lucky Daughter~This is for her Mom
5 Perks of Being Your Daughter
1) Being your daughter comes with
Laughter and music.
2) Getting to help you cook
And keep the house clean.
3) Stealing all your stuff,
But you're ok with it.
4) Learning to be creative,
And to communicate with the people around me.
5) But most of all, being your daughter,
Is being loved 24/7.
The Soundtrack of Stephen’s Life
Song 1- “Happy” by Pharrell Williams: This song always reminds me of me and my sister going to the movies when I was younger, her and I had so much fun together especially when listening to this song.
Song 2- “Every Little Thing is Going to be Alright” by Bob Marley: This song is special to me because our whole family loves to listen to this and we all say everything will be alright and okay at the end.
Song 3- “Hymn for the Weekend” by Coldplay: This song reminds me of my mom, my sister and I going back to her in the Bronx, New York, and us just having fun and enjoying life.
Song 4- “Angel” by Chance the Rapper: I picked this song for two reasons because me and my sister have loved this song since it came out and that we have many angles watching over as every day and all day.
Song 5- “Sunflower” by Post Malone: This song is in a marvel movie called Spiderman-Into the Spider-Verse and Marvel movies have something special in me and my family because we all love it so much.
Song 6- “Blessings” by Chance the Rapper: I picked this song because I am very blessed for my family and friends from God and my many other gifts from him.
Song 7-”Have a Talk to God” by Stevie Wonder: I picked this song because when stuff gets difficult, I love to pray to God and the angels looking over me.
Song 8- “Stuck in a Dream” by Lil Mosey: I picked this song because my teammates listened to this in the locker room all the time last year.
Song 9- “Christmas Wrapping” by the Waitresses: I picked this song because it is my favorite Christmas song, and my family and I love to listen to it during the Christmas season.
Song 10- “Synchronicity” by The Police: I picked this song because I love The Police, they are my favorite band this is one of my family’s favorite songs.
Jason’s Re-mix of “Waking Instructions”
You to You
Walk on water To a sandy peaceful place.
Forget who looks at you and who doesn’t.
Allow yourself to have a wall where you can be you.
It will feel like nothing I have ever felt before.
It has being attached.
Maisie’s Ode to Swimming
Dear Swimming,
Since the moment I met you in fourth grade
I was sucked in
From three-hour practices to Junior Olympics
You have always played a lead role in the Play of my life
I gave you everything I had
All my strength, and ignoring my inhaler
Even though my asthma wasn’t the nicest to you,
It helped me move forward
You were my gift,
The last one on my birthday
Thank you.
How Siona Sees Herself
In my self-portrait,
My hair is black like the abyss,
My glasses blue and transparent like a crystal-clear ocean.
When I smile,
My braces glisten in the sun like a piece of gold.
When I feel good,
My eyes light up like two tiny lamps in a pitch-black room
Where Ashley’s From
I am from laughter
From tennis and make-believe games
I am from a white duplex (the outside paint purposely clumped)
I am from roses and indoor plants
Making me feel like my house was a jungle
I am from Krispy Kreme and Harry Potter
From Suh Chul Kyun and Bak Yun Hwa
I’m from Ashy-Bobashy
And life lessons
From “keep your smile” and “Ashley...”
I’m from the three p’s:
practice, patience, and passion
I'm from Radwyn apartments and Radnor trail
Rice and smoothies
From my great-grandparents surviving the Korean War
To blackish-brown hair and eyes
Luke’s Personal Metaphor
Roman’s Tribute for Mother’s Day 2020
Happy Mother’s Day!